findings, thoughts and ideas mostly on information literacy in daily life as academic liasion librarian. /om biblioteket, forskningen och undervisningen


On the web since 2005-02-08


About the interdepence of each other

I am really happy to be witnessing a change in the job scene. Since the new head of library arrived the possibilities are more radical than I could have imagined. My new role must be to cooperate and support others rather than agitating. I may have the role of supporting others ideas (which was ideas of mine some three years ago) instead of trying take to a audience whom I felt where never listening. And I am really touched when I realize that on or two of my ideas really will be of value and adopted in the organisation, I am so pleased and deeply thankful.

University librarian feels like a fairly decent job again.

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About me

Informationsspecialist och bibliotekarie. Skriver med utgångspunkt i min profession och alla inlägg är gjorda av mig som privatperson.

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